Sunday, July 13, 2008

Crazy, Cute Shoes

Here's my latest addition to my crazy
shoe collection. If you know me, you know
I love shoes and purses! Well I was shopping at
Ross this weekend, and LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND!!!
I love these shoes. And I went right down to another store and found a cute top to match.
I was wondering...
Can you guess or judge someone's personality by
the kind of shoes they wear????
HMMMM...if that was the case, all of you would think I was nuts!


Party of 5 said...

We don't need shoes to know that. hehe

They are cute shoes.

Sara @ Life With the Two said...

Those are beyond cute!

I tagged you over on my blog, so check it out.

StacyRenee said...

I so love those shoes. Get back here so I can wear them!!